>>> gonic: Building community/gonic 0.15.0-r4 (using abuild 3.10.0-r0) started Wed, 03 May 2023 07:29:47 +0000 >>> gonic: Checking sanity of /home/buildozer/aports/community/gonic/APKBUILD... >>> gonic: Analyzing dependencies... >>> gonic: Installing for build: build-base ffmpeg sqlite go taglib-dev zlib-dev mpv (1/116) Installing sdl2 (2.26.5-r0) (2/116) Installing libxau (1.0.10-r0) (3/116) Installing libmd (1.0.4-r0) (4/116) Installing libbsd (0.11.7-r0) (5/116) Installing libxdmcp (1.1.4-r0) (6/116) Installing libxcb (1.15-r0) (7/116) Installing libx11 (1.8.4-r0) (8/116) Installing aom-libs (3.5.0-r0) (9/116) Installing alsa-lib (1.2.8-r0) (10/116) Installing libbz2 (1.0.8-r4) (11/116) Installing libpng (1.6.38-r0) (12/116) Installing freetype (2.12.1-r0) (13/116) Installing fontconfig (2.14.1-r0) (14/116) Installing fribidi (1.0.12-r0) (15/116) Installing libffi (3.4.4-r0) (16/116) Installing libintl (0.21.1-r1) (17/116) Installing libblkid (2.38.1-r1) (18/116) Installing libmount (2.38.1-r1) (19/116) Installing glib (2.74.6-r0) (20/116) Installing graphite2 (1.3.14-r2) (21/116) Installing harfbuzz (5.3.1-r1) (22/116) Installing libass (0.16.0-r1) (23/116) Installing libdav1d (1.0.0-r2) (24/116) Installing hwdata-pci (0.364-r0) (25/116) Installing libpciaccess (0.17-r0) (26/116) Installing libdrm (2.4.114-r0) (27/116) Installing nettle (3.8.1-r0) (28/116) Installing p11-kit (0.24.1-r1) (29/116) Installing libtasn1 (4.19.0-r0) (30/116) Installing libunistring (1.1-r0) (31/116) Installing gnutls (3.7.8-r3) (32/116) Installing lame (3.100-r2) (33/116) Installing opus (1.3.1-r1) (34/116) Installing libasyncns (0.8-r1) (35/116) Installing dbus-libs (1.14.4-r0) (36/116) Installing libltdl (2.4.7-r1) (37/116) Installing orc (0.4.33-r0) (38/116) Installing libogg (1.3.5-r2) (39/116) Installing flac-libs (1.4.2-r0) (40/116) Installing libvorbis (1.3.7-r0) (41/116) Installing libsndfile (1.1.0-r2) (42/116) Installing soxr (0.1.3-r3) (43/116) Installing speexdsp (1.2.1-r0) (44/116) Installing tdb-libs (1.4.6-r0) (45/116) Installing libpulse (16.1-r6) (46/116) Installing mbedtls (2.28.3-r0) (47/116) Installing librist (0.2.7-r0) (48/116) Installing libsrt (1.5.1-r0) (49/116) Installing libssh (0.10.4-r0) (50/116) Installing libtheora (1.1.1-r16) (51/116) Installing libjpeg-turbo (2.1.4-r0) (52/116) Installing v4l-utils-libs (1.22.1-r2) (53/116) Installing libxext (1.3.5-r0) (54/116) Installing libxfixes (6.0.0-r0) (55/116) Installing wayland-libs-client (1.21.0-r1) (56/116) Installing libva (2.16.0-r0) (57/116) Installing libvdpau (1.5-r0) (58/116) Installing vidstab (1.1.0-r2) (59/116) Installing libvpx (1.12.0-r1) (60/116) Installing libwebp (1.2.4-r1) (61/116) Installing x264-libs (0.164_git20220602-r0) (62/116) Installing numactl (2.0.16-r1) (63/116) Installing x265-libs (3.5-r3) (64/116) Installing xvidcore (1.3.7-r1) (65/116) Installing libsodium (1.0.18-r2) (66/116) Installing libzmq (4.3.4-r1) (67/116) Installing ffmpeg-libs (5.1.3-r0) (68/116) Installing ffmpeg (5.1.3-r0) (69/116) Installing readline (8.2.0-r0) (70/116) Installing sqlite (3.40.1-r0) (71/116) Installing go (1.19.9-r0) (72/116) Installing taglib (1.13-r0) (73/116) Installing taglib-dev (1.13-r0) (74/116) Installing zlib-dev (1.2.13-r0) (75/116) Installing mesa (22.2.5-r1) (76/116) Installing wayland-libs-server (1.21.0-r1) (77/116) Installing mesa-gbm (22.2.5-r1) (78/116) Installing mesa-glapi (22.2.5-r1) (79/116) Installing libxshmfence (1.3.1-r0) (80/116) Installing mesa-egl (22.2.5-r1) (81/116) Installing libxinerama (1.1.5-r0) (82/116) Installing libxpresent (1.0.1-r0) (83/116) Installing libxrender (0.9.11-r0) (84/116) Installing libxrandr (1.5.3-r0) (85/116) Installing libxscrnsaver (1.2.3-r0) (86/116) Installing libxv (1.0.11-r3) (87/116) Installing xz-libs (5.2.9-r0) (88/116) Installing libarchive (3.6.1-r2) (89/116) Installing libbluray (1.3.3-r0) (90/116) Installing libcdio (2.1.0-r1) (91/116) Installing libcdio-paranoia ( (92/116) Installing libdvdcss (1.4.3-r0) (93/116) Installing libdvdread (6.1.3-r0) (94/116) Installing libdvdnav (6.1.1-r0) (95/116) Installing libsamplerate (0.2.2-r0) (96/116) Installing jack (1.9.21-r0) (97/116) Installing lcms2 (2.14-r0) (98/116) Installing luajit (2.1_p20210510-r3) (99/116) Installing pipewire-libs (0.3.61-r0) (100/116) Installing glslang-libs (11.12.0-r0) (101/116) Installing glslang (11.12.0-r0) (102/116) Installing spirv-tools ( (103/116) Installing shaderc (2022.3-r1) (104/116) Installing vulkan-loader ( (105/116) Installing libplacebo (5.229.2-r0) (106/116) Installing rubberband-libs (3.1.1-r1) (107/116) Installing sndio-libs (1.9.0-r0) (108/116) Installing uchardet (0.0.7-r1) (109/116) Installing wayland-libs-cursor (1.21.0-r1) (110/116) Installing wayland-libs-egl (1.21.0-r1) (111/116) Installing xkeyboard-config (2.37-r0) (112/116) Installing libxml2 (2.10.4-r0) (113/116) Installing libxkbcommon (1.4.1-r0) (114/116) Installing zimg (3.0.4-r1) (115/116) Installing mpv (0.35.1-r1) (116/116) Installing .makedepends-gonic (20230503.072948) Executing busybox-1.35.0-r29.trigger OK: 745 MiB in 208 packages >>> gonic: Cleaning up srcdir >>> gonic: Cleaning up pkgdir >>> gonic: Fetching https://distfiles.alpinelinux.org/distfiles/v3.17/gonic-0.15.0.tar.gz % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 1560k 100 1560k 0 0 7088k 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 7123k >>> gonic: Fetching https://distfiles.alpinelinux.org/distfiles/v3.17/gonic-0.15.0.tar.gz >>> gonic: Checking sha512sums... gonic-0.15.0.tar.gz: OK gonic.initd: OK gonic.confd: OK >>> gonic: Unpacking /var/cache/distfiles/v3.17/gonic-0.15.0.tar.gz... go: downloading github.com/google/shlex v0.0.0-20191202100458-e7afc7fbc510 go: downloading github.com/peterbourgon/ff v1.7.1 go: downloading github.com/oklog/run v1.1.0 go: downloading github.com/jinzhu/gorm v1.9.17-0.20211120011537-5c235b72a414 go: downloading github.com/Masterminds/sprig v2.22.0+incompatible go: downloading github.com/dustin/go-humanize v1.0.0 go: downloading github.com/gorilla/sessions v1.2.1 go: downloading github.com/mmcdole/gofeed v1.1.3 go: downloading github.com/nfnt/resize v0.0.0-20180221191011-83c6a9932646 go: downloading github.com/oxtoacart/bpool v0.0.0-20190530202638-03653db5a59c go: downloading github.com/disintegration/imaging v1.6.2 go: downloading github.com/gorilla/securecookie v1.1.1 go: downloading github.com/sentriz/gormstore v0.0.0-20220105134332-64e31f7f6981 go: downloading github.com/gorilla/mux v1.8.0 go: downloading gopkg.in/gormigrate.v1 v1.6.0 go: downloading github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify v1.6.0 go: downloading github.com/rainycape/unidecode v0.0.0-20150907023854-cb7f23ec59be go: downloading github.com/nicksellen/audiotags v0.0.0-20160226222119-94015fa599bd go: downloading github.com/dexterlb/mpvipc v0.0.0-20210824102722-5d27ef06b6c3 go: downloading github.com/mitchellh/mapstructure v1.5.0 go: downloading golang.org/x/exp v0.0.0-20221114191408-850992195362 go: downloading golang.org/x/crypto v0.2.0 go: downloading github.com/Masterminds/goutils v1.1.1 go: downloading github.com/mitchellh/copystructure v1.2.0 go: downloading github.com/huandu/xstrings v1.3.3 go: downloading github.com/Masterminds/semver v1.5.0 go: downloading github.com/google/uuid v1.3.0 go: downloading github.com/imdario/mergo v0.3.13 go: downloading golang.org/x/sys v0.2.0 go: downloading github.com/gorilla/context v1.1.1 go: downloading github.com/mitchellh/reflectwalk v1.0.2 go: downloading github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3 v1.14.16 go: downloading github.com/jinzhu/inflection v1.0.0 go: downloading golang.org/x/image v0.1.0 go: downloading github.com/mmcdole/goxpp v0.0.0-20200921145534-2f3784f67354 go: downloading github.com/json-iterator/go v1.1.12 go: downloading github.com/PuerkitoBio/goquery v1.8.0 go: downloading golang.org/x/text v0.4.0 go: downloading golang.org/x/net v0.2.0 go: downloading github.com/andybalholm/cascadia v1.3.1 go: downloading github.com/modern-go/reflect2 v1.0.2 go: downloading github.com/modern-go/concurrent v0.0.0-20180306012644-bacd9c7ef1dd go: downloading github.com/matryer/is v1.4.0 go: downloading github.com/josephburnett/jd v1.5.2 go: downloading github.com/go-openapi/jsonpointer v0.19.5 go: downloading gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.4.0 go: downloading github.com/go-openapi/swag v0.21.1 go: downloading github.com/mailru/easyjson v0.7.7 go: downloading github.com/josharian/intern v1.0.0 ? go.senan.xyz/gonic [no test files] ? go.senan.xyz/gonic/cmd/gonic [no test files] ok go.senan.xyz/gonic/db 0.128s ok go.senan.xyz/gonic/jukebox 1.110s ? go.senan.xyz/gonic/mime [no test files] ? go.senan.xyz/gonic/mockfs [no test files] ? go.senan.xyz/gonic/multierr [no test files] ok go.senan.xyz/gonic/podcasts 0.037s ok go.senan.xyz/gonic/scanner 19.377s ? go.senan.xyz/gonic/scanner/tags [no test files] ? go.senan.xyz/gonic/scrobble [no test files] ok go.senan.xyz/gonic/scrobble/lastfm 0.036s ? go.senan.xyz/gonic/scrobble/listenbrainz [no test files] ? go.senan.xyz/gonic/server [no test files] ? go.senan.xyz/gonic/server/assets [no test files] ? go.senan.xyz/gonic/server/ctrladmin [no test files] ? go.senan.xyz/gonic/server/ctrlbase [no test files] ok go.senan.xyz/gonic/server/ctrlsubsonic 1.613s ? go.senan.xyz/gonic/server/ctrlsubsonic/params [no test files] ? go.senan.xyz/gonic/server/ctrlsubsonic/spec [no test files] ok go.senan.xyz/gonic/server/ctrlsubsonic/specid 0.019s ? go.senan.xyz/gonic/transcode [no test files] >>> gonic: Entering fakeroot... >>> gonic-openrc*: Running split function openrc... >>> gonic-openrc*: Preparing subpackage gonic-openrc... >>> gonic-openrc*: Running postcheck for gonic-openrc >>> gonic*: Running postcheck for gonic >>> gonic*: Preparing package gonic... >>> gonic*: Stripping binaries >>> gonic*: Script found. /bin/sh added as a dependency for gonic-0.15.0-r4.apk >>> gonic*: Adding .pre-install >>> gonic-openrc*: Scanning shared objects >>> gonic*: Scanning shared objects >>> gonic-openrc*: Tracing dependencies... >>> gonic-openrc*: Package size: 24.0 KB >>> gonic-openrc*: Compressing data... >>> gonic-openrc*: Create checksum... >>> gonic-openrc*: Create gonic-openrc-0.15.0-r4.apk >>> gonic*: Tracing dependencies... ffmpeg sqlite /bin/sh so:libc.musl-x86.so.1 so:libgcc_s.so.1 so:libstdc++.so.6 so:libtag.so.1 >>> gonic*: Package size: 14.2 MB >>> gonic*: Compressing data... >>> gonic*: Create checksum... >>> gonic*: Create gonic-0.15.0-r4.apk >>> gonic: Build complete at Wed, 03 May 2023 07:33:10 +0000 elapsed time 0h 3m 23s >>> gonic: Cleaning up srcdir >>> gonic: Cleaning up pkgdir >>> gonic: Uninstalling dependencies... (1/116) Purging .makedepends-gonic (20230503.072948) (2/116) Purging ffmpeg (5.1.3-r0) (3/116) Purging sqlite (3.40.1-r0) (4/116) Purging go (1.19.9-r0) (5/116) Purging taglib-dev (1.13-r0) (6/116) Purging taglib (1.13-r0) (7/116) Purging zlib-dev (1.2.13-r0) (8/116) Purging mpv (0.35.1-r1) (9/116) Purging ffmpeg-libs (5.1.3-r0) (10/116) Purging sdl2 (2.26.5-r0) (11/116) Purging mesa-egl (22.2.5-r1) (12/116) Purging libpulse (16.1-r6) (13/116) Purging libvdpau (1.5-r0) (14/116) Purging libva (2.16.0-r0) (15/116) Purging libxscrnsaver (1.2.3-r0) (16/116) Purging libxv (1.0.11-r3) (17/116) Purging libxrandr (1.5.3-r0) (18/116) Purging libxinerama (1.1.5-r0) (19/116) Purging libxext (1.3.5-r0) (20/116) Purging libxrender (0.9.11-r0) (21/116) Purging libxpresent (1.0.1-r0) (22/116) Purging libxfixes (6.0.0-r0) (23/116) Purging libx11 (1.8.4-r0) (24/116) Purging libxcb (1.15-r0) (25/116) Purging libxau (1.0.10-r0) (26/116) Purging libxdmcp (1.1.4-r0) (27/116) Purging libbsd (0.11.7-r0) (28/116) Purging libmd (1.0.4-r0) (29/116) Purging aom-libs (3.5.0-r0) (30/116) Purging jack (1.9.21-r0) (31/116) Purging libsndfile (1.1.0-r2) (32/116) Purging sndio-libs (1.9.0-r0) (33/116) Purging alsa-lib (1.2.8-r0) (34/116) Purging libass (0.16.0-r1) (35/116) Purging harfbuzz (5.3.1-r1) (36/116) Purging fontconfig (2.14.1-r0) (37/116) Purging freetype (2.12.1-r0) (38/116) Purging libarchive (3.6.1-r2) (39/116) Purging libbz2 (1.0.8-r4) (40/116) Purging libpng (1.6.38-r0) (41/116) Purging fribidi (1.0.12-r0) (42/116) Purging glib (2.74.6-r0) (43/116) Purging wayland-libs-cursor (1.21.0-r1) (44/116) Purging wayland-libs-client (1.21.0-r1) (45/116) Purging gnutls (3.7.8-r3) (46/116) Purging p11-kit (0.24.1-r1) (47/116) Purging mesa-gbm (22.2.5-r1) (48/116) Purging mesa (22.2.5-r1) (49/116) Purging wayland-libs-server (1.21.0-r1) (50/116) Purging libffi (3.4.4-r0) (51/116) Purging pipewire-libs (0.3.61-r0) (52/116) Purging libintl (0.21.1-r1) (53/116) Purging libmount (2.38.1-r1) (54/116) Purging libblkid (2.38.1-r1) (55/116) Purging graphite2 (1.3.14-r2) (56/116) Purging libdav1d (1.0.0-r2) (57/116) Purging libdrm (2.4.114-r0) (58/116) Purging libpciaccess (0.17-r0) (59/116) Purging hwdata-pci (0.364-r0) (60/116) Purging nettle (3.8.1-r0) (61/116) Purging libtasn1 (4.19.0-r0) (62/116) Purging libunistring (1.1-r0) (63/116) Purging lame (3.100-r2) (64/116) Purging opus (1.3.1-r1) (65/116) Purging libasyncns (0.8-r1) (66/116) Purging dbus-libs (1.14.4-r0) (67/116) Purging libltdl (2.4.7-r1) (68/116) Purging orc (0.4.33-r0) (69/116) Purging libtheora (1.1.1-r16) (70/116) Purging libvorbis (1.3.7-r0) (71/116) Purging flac-libs (1.4.2-r0) (72/116) Purging libogg (1.3.5-r2) (73/116) Purging soxr (0.1.3-r3) (74/116) Purging speexdsp (1.2.1-r0) (75/116) Purging tdb-libs (1.4.6-r0) (76/116) Purging librist (0.2.7-r0) (77/116) Purging mbedtls (2.28.3-r0) (78/116) Purging libsrt (1.5.1-r0) (79/116) Purging libssh (0.10.4-r0) (80/116) Purging v4l-utils-libs (1.22.1-r2) (81/116) Purging libjpeg-turbo (2.1.4-r0) (82/116) Purging vidstab (1.1.0-r2) (83/116) Purging libvpx (1.12.0-r1) (84/116) Purging libwebp (1.2.4-r1) (85/116) Purging x264-libs (0.164_git20220602-r0) (86/116) Purging x265-libs (3.5-r3) (87/116) Purging numactl (2.0.16-r1) (88/116) Purging xvidcore (1.3.7-r1) (89/116) Purging libzmq (4.3.4-r1) (90/116) Purging libsodium (1.0.18-r2) (91/116) Purging readline (8.2.0-r0) (92/116) Purging mesa-glapi (22.2.5-r1) (93/116) Purging libxshmfence (1.3.1-r0) (94/116) Purging libxkbcommon (1.4.1-r0) (95/116) Purging xkeyboard-config (2.37-r0) (96/116) Purging libxml2 (2.10.4-r0) (97/116) Purging xz-libs (5.2.9-r0) (98/116) Purging libbluray (1.3.3-r0) (99/116) Purging libcdio-paranoia ( (100/116) Purging libcdio (2.1.0-r1) (101/116) Purging libdvdnav (6.1.1-r0) (102/116) Purging libdvdread (6.1.3-r0) (103/116) Purging libdvdcss (1.4.3-r0) (104/116) Purging libsamplerate (0.2.2-r0) (105/116) Purging libplacebo (5.229.2-r0) (106/116) Purging lcms2 (2.14-r0) (107/116) Purging luajit (2.1_p20210510-r3) (108/116) Purging shaderc (2022.3-r1) (109/116) Purging glslang (11.12.0-r0) (110/116) Purging glslang-libs (11.12.0-r0) (111/116) Purging spirv-tools ( (112/116) Purging vulkan-loader ( (113/116) Purging rubberband-libs (3.1.1-r1) (114/116) Purging uchardet (0.0.7-r1) (115/116) Purging wayland-libs-egl (1.21.0-r1) (116/116) Purging zimg (3.0.4-r1) Executing busybox-1.35.0-r29.trigger OK: 259 MiB in 92 packages >>> gonic: Updating the community/x86 repository index... >>> gonic: Signing the index...