>>> just: Building community/just 1.8.0-r0 (using abuild 3.10.0_rc1-r2) started Fri, 18 Nov 2022 02:39:07 +0000 >>> just: Checking sanity of /home/buildozer/aports/community/just/APKBUILD... >>> just: Analyzing dependencies... >>> just: Installing for build: build-base cargo bash fzf (1/12) Installing rust-stdlib (1.64.0-r2) (2/12) Installing libffi (3.4.4-r0) (3/12) Installing xz-libs (5.2.8-r0) (4/12) Installing libxml2 (2.10.3-r1) (5/12) Installing llvm15-libs (15.0.5-r0) (6/12) Installing rust (1.64.0-r2) (7/12) Installing cargo (1.64.0-r2) (8/12) Installing readline (8.2.0-r0) (9/12) Installing bash (5.2.9-r0) Executing bash-5.2.9-r0.post-install (10/12) Installing fzf (0.35.0-r0) (11/12) Installing fzf-bash-plugin (0.35.0-r0) (12/12) Installing .makedepends-just (20221118.023908) Executing busybox-1.35.0-r28.trigger OK: 1028 MiB in 103 packages >>> just: Cleaning up srcdir >>> just: Cleaning up pkgdir >>> just: Fetching https://distfiles.alpinelinux.org/distfiles/v3.17/just-1.8.0.tar.gz % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 0 146 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404 >>> just: Fetching https://github.com/casey/just/archive/1.8.0/just-1.8.0.tar.gz % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 13053 0 13053 0 0 23336 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 23336 100 620k 0 620k 0 0 1006k 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 10.4M >>> just: Fetching https://distfiles.alpinelinux.org/distfiles/v3.17/just-1.8.0.tar.gz >>> just: Checking sha512sums... just-1.8.0.tar.gz: OK >>> just: Unpacking /var/cache/distfiles/v3.17/just-1.8.0.tar.gz... Compiling proc-macro2 v1.0.47 Compiling libc v0.2.137 Compiling unicode-ident v1.0.5 Compiling quote v1.0.21 Compiling syn v1.0.103 Compiling cfg-if v1.0.0 Compiling memchr v2.5.0 Compiling version_check v0.9.4 Compiling typenum v1.15.0 Compiling heck v0.4.0 Compiling serde_derive v1.0.147 Compiling rustversion v1.0.9 Compiling log v0.4.17 Compiling serde v1.0.147 Compiling doc-comment v0.3.3 Compiling bitflags v1.3.2 Compiling regex-syntax v0.6.27 Compiling regex-automata v0.1.10 Compiling camino v1.1.1 Compiling serde_json v1.0.87 Compiling lazy_static v1.4.0 Compiling unicode-width v0.1.10 Compiling termcolor v1.1.3 Compiling vec_map v0.8.2 Compiling ansi_term v0.12.1 Compiling humantime v2.1.0 Compiling strsim v0.8.0 Compiling remove_dir_all v0.5.3 Compiling cpufeatures v0.2.5 Compiling fastrand v1.8.0 Compiling itoa v1.0.4 Compiling ryu v1.0.11 Compiling unicode-segmentation v1.10.0 Compiling target v2.0.0 Compiling dotenv v0.15.0 Compiling typed-arena v2.0.1 Compiling edit-distance v2.1.0 Compiling lexiclean v0.0.1 Compiling generic-array v0.14.6 Compiling aho-corasick v0.7.19 Compiling bstr v0.2.17 Compiling similar v2.2.0 Compiling term_size v0.3.2 Compiling atty v0.2.14 Compiling nix v0.25.0 Compiling getrandom v0.2.8 Compiling tempfile v3.3.0 Compiling textwrap v0.11.0 Compiling uuid v1.2.1 Compiling crypto-common v0.1.6 Compiling block-buffer v0.10.3 Compiling clap v2.34.0 Compiling digest v0.10.5 Compiling regex v1.6.0 Compiling sha2 v0.10.6 Compiling ctrlc v3.2.3 Compiling env_logger v0.9.1 Compiling strum_macros v0.24.3 Compiling snafu-derive v0.7.3 Compiling derivative v2.2.0 Compiling strum v0.24.1 Compiling snafu v0.7.3 Compiling just v1.8.0 (/home/buildozer/aports/community/just/src/just-1.8.0) Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 1m 33s Compiling libc v0.2.137 Compiling proc-macro2 v1.0.47 Compiling unicode-ident v1.0.5 Compiling quote v1.0.21 Compiling syn v1.0.103 Compiling cfg-if v1.0.0 Compiling typenum v1.15.0 Compiling memchr v2.5.0 Compiling version_check v0.9.4 Compiling rustversion v1.0.9 Compiling heck v0.4.0 Compiling serde_derive v1.0.147 Compiling serde v1.0.147 Compiling log v0.4.17 Compiling doc-comment v0.3.3 Compiling bitflags v1.3.2 Compiling unicode-width v0.1.10 Compiling regex-automata v0.1.10 Compiling remove_dir_all v0.5.3 Compiling camino v1.1.1 Compiling regex-syntax v0.6.27 Compiling serde_json v1.0.87 Compiling lazy_static v1.4.0 Compiling fastrand v1.8.0 Compiling humantime v2.1.0 Compiling ansi_term v0.12.1 Compiling itoa v1.0.4 Compiling termcolor v1.1.3 Compiling unicode-segmentation v1.10.0 Compiling vec_map v0.8.2 Compiling strsim v0.8.0 Compiling cpufeatures v0.2.5 Compiling ryu v1.0.11 Compiling edit-distance v2.1.0 Compiling typed-arena v2.0.1 Compiling target v2.0.0 Compiling lexiclean v0.0.1 Compiling dotenv v0.15.0 Compiling linked-hash-map v0.5.6 Compiling yansi v0.5.1 Compiling either v1.8.0 Compiling diff v0.1.13 Compiling executable-path v1.0.0 Compiling yaml-rust v0.4.5 Compiling pretty_assertions v1.3.0 Compiling generic-array v0.14.6 Compiling aho-corasick v0.7.19 Compiling bstr v0.2.17 Compiling similar v2.2.0 Compiling cradle v0.2.2 Compiling term_size v0.3.2 Compiling atty v0.2.14 Compiling nix v0.25.0 Compiling getrandom v0.2.8 Compiling tempfile v3.3.0 Compiling which v4.3.0 Compiling textwrap v0.11.0 Compiling uuid v1.2.1 Compiling clap v2.34.0 Compiling block-buffer v0.10.3 Compiling crypto-common v0.1.6 Compiling temptree v0.2.0 Compiling digest v0.10.5 Compiling regex v1.6.0 Compiling sha2 v0.10.6 Compiling ctrlc v3.2.3 Compiling env_logger v0.9.1 Compiling strum_macros v0.24.3 Compiling snafu-derive v0.7.3 Compiling derivative v2.2.0 Compiling strum v0.24.1 Compiling snafu v0.7.3 Compiling just v1.8.0 (/home/buildozer/aports/community/just/src/just-1.8.0) Finished test [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 56.79s Running unittests src/lib.rs (target/debug/deps/just-327e6eb2a3400e0b) running 458 tests test analyzer::tests::duplicate_parameter ... ok test analyzer::tests::duplicate_alias ... ok test analyzer::tests::duplicate_variable ... ok test analyzer::tests::duplicate_variadic_parameter ... ok test analyzer::tests::duplicate_recipe ... ok test analyzer::tests::parameter_shadows_variable ... ok test analyzer::tests::extra_whitespace ... ok test attribute::tests::to_str ... ok test analyzer::tests::unknown_alias_target ... ok test analyzer::tests::required_after_default ... ok test analyzer::tests::alias_shadows_recipe_after ... ok test assignment_resolver::tests::self_variable_dependency ... ok test assignment_resolver::tests::circular_variable_dependency ... ok test assignment_resolver::tests::unknown_expression_variable ... ok test analyzer::tests::alias_shadows_recipe_before ... ok test assignment_resolver::tests::unknown_function_parameter_binary_first ... ok test assignment_resolver::tests::unknown_function_parameter ... ok test assignment_resolver::tests::unknown_function_parameter_binary_second ... ok test config::tests::color_bad_value ... ok test config::tests::completions_arguments ... ok test config::tests::changelog_arguments ... ok test config::tests::dry_run_quiet ... ok test config::tests::dump_arguments ... ok test config::tests::arguments ... ok test config::tests::edit_arguments ... ok test config::tests::dotenv_both_filename_and_path ... ok test config::tests::fmt_arguments ... ok test config::tests::color_never ... ok test config::tests::color_default ... ok test config::tests::color_auto ... ok test config::tests::arguments_leading_equals ... ok test config::tests::color_always ... ok test config::tests::default_config ... ok test config::tests::dry_run_default ... ok test config::tests::dry_run_true ... ok test config::tests::highlight_no ... ok test config::tests::init_arguments ... ok test config::tests::list_arguments ... ok test config::tests::dump_format ... ok test config::tests::highlight_no_yes ... ok test config::tests::highlight_no_yes_no ... ok test config::tests::highlight_default ... ok test config::tests::highlight_yes ... ok test config::tests::overrides_empty ... ok test config::tests::overrides ... ok test config::tests::overrides_override_sets ... ok test config::tests::highlight_yes_no ... ok test config::tests::quiet_default ... ok test config::tests::search_directory_conflict_working_directory ... ok test config::tests::search_directory_conflict_justfile ... ok test config::tests::quiet_long ... ok test config::tests::set_bad ... ok test config::tests::quiet_short ... ok test config::tests::search_directory_child ... ok test config::tests::search_config_justfile_long ... ok test config::tests::search_config_justfile_short ... ok test config::tests::search_config_default ... ok test config::tests::search_directory_parent_with_recipe ... ok test config::tests::search_directory_parent ... ok test config::tests::search_config_from_working_directory_and_justfile ... ok test config::tests::search_directory_deep ... ok test config::tests::set_default ... ok test config::tests::search_directory_child_with_recipe ... ok test config::tests::set_one ... ok test config::tests::set_empty ... ok test config::tests::shell_args_clear_and_set ... ok test config::tests::shell_args_clear ... ok test config::tests::shell_args_set_hyphen ... ok test config::tests::set_override ... ok test config::tests::shell_args_default ... ok test config::tests::set_two ... ok test config::tests::shell_args_set ... ok test config::tests::shell_set ... ok test config::tests::show_arguments ... ok test config::tests::subcommand_conflict_choose ... ok test config::tests::shell_args_set_word ... ok test config::tests::shell_args_set_and_clear ... ok test config::tests::subcommand_completions_uppercase ... ok test config::tests::shell_args_set_multiple ... ok test config::tests::shell_default ... ok test config::tests::shell_args_set_multiple_and_clear ... ok test config::tests::subcommand_conflict_dump ... ok test config::tests::subcommand_conflict_completions ... ok test config::tests::subcommand_conflict_changelog ... ok test config::tests::subcommand_conflict_fmt ... ok test config::tests::subcommand_conflict_evaluate ... ok test config::tests::subcommand_conflict_show ... ok test config::tests::subcommand_completions_invalid ... ok test config::tests::subcommand_conflict_init ... ok test config::tests::subcommand_conflict_summary ... ok test config::tests::subcommand_completions ... ok test config::tests::subcommand_conflict_variables ... ok test config::tests::subcommand_default ... ok test config::tests::subcommand_dump ... ok test config::tests::subcommand_evaluate ... ok test config::tests::subcommand_edit ... ok test config::tests::subcommand_evaluate_overrides ... ok test count::tests::count ... ok test config::tests::subcommand_overrides_and_arguments ... ok test config::tests::subcommand_show_no_arg ... ok test enclosure::tests::tick ... ok test config::tests::summary_overrides ... ok test config::tests::summary_arguments ... ok test config::tests::subcommand_evaluate_overrides_with_argument ... ok test config::tests::subcommand_list_long ... ok test config::tests::subcommand_list_short ... ok test config::tests::subcommand_show_short ... ok test config::tests::subcommand_show_long ... ok test config::tests::unsorted_long ... ok test config::tests::subcommand_summary ... ok test justfile::tests::concatenation_in_group ... ok test config::tests::unsorted_default ... ok test config::tests::verbosity_default ... ok test config::tests::verbosity_loquacious ... ok test config::tests::verbosity_grandiloquent ... ok test justfile::tests::escaped_dos_newlines ... ok test justfile::tests::eof_test ... ok test justfile::tests::code_error ... ok test evaluator::tests::backtick_code ... ok test config::tests::verbosity_great_grandiloquent ... ok test evaluator::tests::export_assignment_backtick ... ok test justfile::tests::parameter_default_backtick ... ok test justfile::tests::parameter_default_concatenation_string ... ok test config::tests::unsorted_short ... ok test justfile::tests::parameter_default_raw_string ... ok test justfile::tests::missing_all_arguments ... ok test justfile::tests::parameter_default_string ... ok test justfile::tests::parameter_default_concatenation_variable ... ok test justfile::tests::env_functions ... ok test config::tests::verbosity_long ... ok test justfile::tests::missing_all_defaults ... ok test justfile::tests::missing_some_arguments ... ok test justfile::tests::parse_empty ... ok test justfile::tests::missing_some_defaults ... ok test justfile::tests::parse_alias_with_comment ... ok test justfile::tests::missing_some_arguments_variadic ... ok test justfile::tests::parse_alias_after_target ... ok test justfile::tests::parse_alias_before_target ... ok test justfile::tests::parameters ... ok test justfile::tests::parse_assignment_backticks ... ok test justfile::tests::parameter_default_multiple ... ok test justfile::tests::parse_assignments ... ok test justfile::tests::parse_export ... ok test justfile::tests::parse_multiple ... ok test justfile::tests::parse_raw_string_default ... ok test justfile::tests::parse_variadic ... ok test justfile::tests::export_failure ... ok test justfile::tests::parse_simple_shebang ... ok test justfile::tests::parse_interpolation_backticks ... ok test justfile::tests::string_escapes ... ok test justfile::tests::parse_variadic_string_default ... ok test justfile::tests::string_in_group ... ok test justfile::tests::parse_string_default ... ok test justfile::tests::parse_shebang ... ok test justfile::tests::string_quote_escape ... ok test lexer::tests::ampersand_eof ... ok test lexer::tests::ampersand_ampersand ... ok test lexer::tests::ampersand_unexpected ... ok test lexer::tests::backtick ... ok test lexer::tests::backtick_multi_line ... ok test lexer::tests::bad_dedent ... ok test lexer::tests::bang_eof ... ok test lexer::tests::bang_equals ... ok test lexer::tests::bang_unexpected ... ok test justfile::tests::unary_functions ... ok test lexer::tests::brace_escape ... ok test lexer::tests::brace_l ... ok test lexer::tests::brace_lll ... ok test lexer::tests::brace_r ... ok test lexer::tests::brace_rrr ... ok test lexer::tests::brackets ... ok test justfile::tests::parse_complex ... ok test lexer::tests::comment ... ok test lexer::tests::cooked_multiline_string ... ok test justfile::tests::unknown_overrides ... ok test lexer::tests::cooked_string ... ok test lexer::tests::cooked_string_multi_line ... ok test lexer::tests::crlf_newline ... ok test lexer::tests::dollar ... ok test lexer::tests::eol_carriage_return_linefeed ... ok test justfile::tests::run_args ... ok test lexer::tests::eol_linefeed ... ok test lexer::tests::equals ... ok test lexer::tests::equals_equals ... ok test lexer::tests::export_complex ... ok test lexer::tests::export_concatenation ... ok test justfile::tests::unknown_recipes ... ok test lexer::tests::indent_indent_dedent_indent ... ok test justfile::tests::run_shebang ... ok test lexer::tests::indent_recipe_dedent_indent ... ok test lexer::tests::indented_block ... ok test justfile::tests::unknown_recipes_show_alias_suggestion ... ok test lexer::tests::indented_block_followed_by_blank ... ok test lexer::tests::indented_block_followed_by_item ... ok test lexer::tests::indented_line ... ok test lexer::tests::indented_line_containing_unpaired_carriage_return ... ok test lexer::tests::indented_normal ... ok test lexer::tests::indented_normal_multiple ... ok test lexer::tests::indented_blocks ... ok test lexer::tests::indented_normal_nonempty_blank ... ok test lexer::tests::interpolation_empty ... ok test lexer::tests::interpolation_expression ... ok test lexer::tests::invalid_name_start_dash ... ok test lexer::tests::interpolation_raw_multiline_string ... ok test lexer::tests::invalid_name_start_digit ... ok test lexer::tests::mismatched_closing_brace ... ok test lexer::tests::mixed_leading_whitespace_indent ... ok test lexer::tests::mixed_leading_whitespace_normal ... ok test lexer::tests::mixed_leading_whitespace_recipe ... ok test lexer::tests::multiple_recipes ... ok test lexer::tests::name_new ... ok test lexer::tests::open_delimiter_eol ... ok test lexer::tests::presume_error ... ok test lexer::tests::raw_string ... ok test lexer::tests::raw_string_multi_line ... ok test lexer::tests::tokenize_assignment_backticks ... ok test lexer::tests::tokenize_comment ... ok test lexer::tests::tokenize_comment_with_bang ... ok test lexer::tests::tokenize_comment_before_variable ... ok test lexer::tests::tokenize_empty_interpolation ... ok test lexer::tests::tokenize_indented_block ... ok test lexer::tests::tokenize_indented_line ... ok test lexer::tests::tokenize_empty_lines ... ok test lexer::tests::tokenize_interpolation_backticks ... ok test lexer::tests::tokenize_junk ... ok test lexer::tests::tokenize_names ... ok test lexer::tests::tokenize_parens ... ok test lexer::tests::tokenize_multiple ... ok test lexer::tests::tokenize_recipe_complex_interpolation_expression ... ok test lexer::tests::tokenize_recipe_interpolation_eof ... ok test lexer::tests::tokenize_order ... ok test lexer::tests::tokenize_recipe_interpolation_eol ... ok test lexer::tests::tokenize_space_then_tab ... ok test lexer::tests::tokenize_recipe_multiple_interpolations ... ok test lexer::tests::tokenize_tabs_then_tab_space ... ok test lexer::tests::tokenize_unknown ... ok test lexer::tests::tokenize_strings ... ok test lexer::tests::unclosed_interpolation_delimiter ... ok test lexer::tests::unexpected_character_after_bang ... ok test lexer::tests::unpaired_carriage_return ... ok test lexer::tests::unterminated_backtick ... ok test lexer::tests::unterminated_interpolation ... ok test lexer::tests::unterminated_raw_string ... ok test lexer::tests::unterminated_string ... ok test lexer::tests::unterminated_string_with_escapes ... ok test list::tests::and ... ok test list::tests::and_ticked ... ok test list::tests::or ... ok test list::tests::or_ticked ... ok test parser::tests::addition_chained ... ok test parser::tests::alias_equals ... ok test parser::tests::addition_single ... ok test parser::tests::alias_single ... ok test parser::tests::alias_syntax_multiple_rhs ... ok test parser::tests::alias_syntax_no_rhs ... ok test parser::tests::aliases_multiple ... ok test parser::tests::assignment ... ok test parser::tests::assignment_equals ... ok test parser::tests::backtick ... ok test parser::tests::bad_export ... ok test parser::tests::call_multiple_args ... ok test parser::tests::call_one_arg ... ok test parser::tests::comment ... ok test parser::tests::call_trailing_comma ... ok test parser::tests::comment_after_alias ... ok test parser::tests::comment_assignment ... ok test parser::tests::comment_before_alias ... ok test parser::tests::comment_export ... ok test parser::tests::comment_recipe ... ok test parser::tests::comment_recipe_dependencies ... ok test parser::tests::concatenation_in_default ... ok test parser::tests::concatenation_in_group ... ok test parser::tests::conditional ... ok test parser::tests::conditional_inverted ... ok test parser::tests::conditional_concatenations ... ok test parser::tests::conditional_nested_lhs ... ok test parser::tests::doc_comment_empty_line_clear ... ok test parser::tests::doc_comment_assignment_clear ... ok test parser::tests::conditional_nested_rhs ... ok test parser::tests::empty ... ok test parser::tests::conditional_nested_otherwise ... ok test parser::tests::empty_attribute ... ok test parser::tests::doc_comment_recipe_clear ... ok test parser::tests::conditional_nested_then ... ok test parser::tests::empty_body ... ok test parser::tests::empty_multiline ... ok test parser::tests::doc_comment_single ... ok test parser::tests::doc_comment_middle ... ok test parser::tests::export ... ok test parser::tests::export_equals ... ok test parser::tests::function_argument_count_binary ... ok test parser::tests::eof_test ... ok test parser::tests::function_argument_count_binary_plus ... ok test parser::tests::function_argument_count_nullary ... ok test parser::tests::function_argument_count_ternary ... ok test parser::tests::function_argument_count_unary ... ok test parser::tests::escaped_dos_newlines ... ok test parser::tests::env_functions ... ok test parser::tests::group ... ok test parser::tests::indented_backtick ... ok test parser::tests::indented_backtick_no_dedent ... ok test parser::tests::indented_string_cooked ... ok test parser::tests::indented_string_cooked_no_dedent ... ok test parser::tests::invalid_escape_sequence ... ok test parser::tests::indented_string_raw_no_dedent ... ok test parser::tests::indented_string_raw_with_dedent ... ok test parser::tests::missing_colon ... ok test parser::tests::missing_default_eof ... ok test parser::tests::missing_default_eol ... ok test parser::tests::missing_eol ... ok test parser::tests::parameter_after_variadic ... ok test parser::tests::parameter_default_backtick ... ok test parser::tests::parameter_default_concatenation_string ... ok test parser::tests::parameter_follows_variadic_parameter ... ok test parser::tests::parameter_default_raw_string ... ok test parser::tests::parameter_default_string ... ok test parser::tests::parameter_default_concatenation_variable ... ok test parser::tests::parameter_default_multiple ... ok test parser::tests::parse_alias_after_target ... ok test parser::tests::parameters ... ok test parser::tests::parse_alias_before_target ... ok test parser::tests::parse_alias_with_comment ... ok test parser::tests::parse_assignment_with_comment ... ok test parser::tests::parse_assignment_backticks ... ok test parser::tests::parse_assignments ... ok test parser::tests::parse_raw_string_default ... ok test parser::tests::plus_following_parameter ... ok test parser::tests::recipe ... ok test parser::tests::parse_interpolation_backticks ... ok test parser::tests::recipe_default_multiple ... ok test parser::tests::recipe_default_single ... ok test parser::tests::parse_shebang ... ok test parser::tests::parse_simple_shebang ... ok test parser::tests::recipe_dependency_argument_identifier ... ok test parser::tests::recipe_dependency_argument_string ... ok test parser::tests::recipe_dependency_argument_concatenation ... ok test parser::tests::recipe_dependency_single ... ok test parser::tests::recipe_dependency_multiple ... ok test parser::tests::recipe_dependency_parenthesis ... ok test parser::tests::recipe_line_interpolation ... ok test parser::tests::parse_complex ... ok test parser::tests::recipe_line_single ... ok test parser::tests::recipe_line_multiple ... ok test parser::tests::recipe_parameter_multiple ... ok test parser::tests::recipe_multiple ... ok test parser::tests::recipe_parameter_single ... ok test parser::tests::recipe_plus_variadic ... ok test parser::tests::recipe_quiet ... ok test parser::tests::recipe_star_variadic ... ok test parser::tests::recipe_subsequent ... ok test parser::tests::recipe_variadic_string_default ... ok test parser::tests::recipe_variadic_addition_group_default ... ok test parser::tests::recipe_variadic_variable_default ... ok test parser::tests::set_allow_duplicate_recipes_implicit ... ok test parser::tests::recipe_variadic_with_default_after_default ... ok test parser::tests::set_dotenv_load_false ... ok test parser::tests::set_dotenv_load_implicit ... ok test parser::tests::set_dotenv_load_true ... ok test parser::tests::set_export_false ... ok test parser::tests::set_export_implicit ... ok test parser::tests::set_export_true ... ok test parser::tests::set_positional_arguments_false ... ok test parser::tests::set_positional_arguments_implicit ... ok test parser::tests::set_positional_arguments_true ... ok test parser::tests::set_shell_bad ... ok test parser::tests::set_shell_bad_comma ... ok test parser::tests::set_shell_empty ... ok test parser::tests::set_shell_no_arguments ... ok test parser::tests::set_shell_no_arguments_cooked ... ok test parser::tests::set_shell_no_arguments_trailing_comma ... ok test parser::tests::set_shell_non_literal_first ... ok test parser::tests::set_shell_non_string ... ok test parser::tests::set_shell_non_literal_second ... ok test parser::tests::set_shell_with_one_argument ... ok test parser::tests::set_unknown ... ok test parser::tests::set_shell_with_one_argument_trailing_comma ... ok test parser::tests::set_shell_with_two_arguments ... ok test parser::tests::set_windows_powershell_false ... ok test parser::tests::set_windows_powershell_implicit ... ok test parser::tests::set_windows_powershell_true ... ok test parser::tests::single_line_body ... ok test parser::tests::string_escape_carriage_return ... ok test parser::tests::string_escape_newline ... ok test parser::tests::string_escape_quote ... ok test parser::tests::string_escape_slash ... ok test parser::tests::string_escape_suppress_newline ... ok test parser::tests::string_escape_tab ... ok test parser::tests::string_escapes ... ok test parser::tests::string_in_group ... ok test parser::tests::string_quote_escape ... ok test parser::tests::unclosed_parenthesis_in_expression ... ok test parser::tests::unexpected_brace ... ok test parser::tests::trimmed_body ... ok test parser::tests::unclosed_parenthesis_in_interpolation ... ok test parser::tests::unknown_attribute ... ok test parser::tests::unknown_function ... ok test parser::tests::unknown_function_in_default ... ok test parser::tests::unary_functions ... ok test parser::tests::whitespace ... ok test parser::tests::variable ... ok test parser::tests::unknown_function_in_interpolation ... ok test positional::tests::all_dot ... ok test positional::tests::all_dot_dot ... ok test positional::tests::all_overrides ... ok test positional::tests::all_slash ... ok test positional::tests::arguments_only ... ok test positional::tests::no_arguments ... ok test positional::tests::no_overrides ... ok test positional::tests::no_search_directory ... ok test positional::tests::no_values ... ok test positional::tests::override_after_argument ... ok test positional::tests::override_after_search_directory ... ok test positional::tests::override_not_name ... ok test positional::tests::search_directory_after_argument ... ok test range_ext::tests::display ... ok test range_ext::tests::exclusive ... ok test range_ext::tests::inclusive ... ok test recipe_resolver::tests::circular_recipe_dependency ... ok test recipe_resolver::tests::self_recipe_dependency ... ok test recipe_resolver::tests::unknown_dependency ... ok test recipe_resolver::tests::unknown_interpolation_variable ... ok test search::tests::clean ... ok test recipe_resolver::tests::unknown_variable_in_default ... ok test recipe_resolver::tests::unknown_second_interpolation_variable ... ok test search::tests::found ... ok test recipe_resolver::tests::unknown_variable_in_dependency_argument ... ok test search_error::tests::multiple_candidates_formatting ... ok test search::tests::found_spongebob_case ... ok test search::tests::found_from_inner_dir ... ok test search::tests::justfile_symlink_parent ... ok test search::tests::found_and_stopped_at_first_justfile ... ok test search::tests::multiple_candidates ... ok test shebang::tests::cmd_exe_script_filename ... ok test shebang::tests::cmd_script_filename ... ok test shebang::tests::dont_include_shebang_line_cmd ... ok test shebang::tests::dont_include_shebang_line_cmd_exe ... ok test shebang::tests::include_shebang_line_other ... ok test shebang::tests::interpreter_filename_with_backslash ... ok test shebang::tests::interpreter_filename_with_forward_slash ... ok test shebang::tests::plain_script_filename ... ok test settings::tests::default_shell_powershell ... ok test shebang::tests::powershell_exe_script_filename ... ok test settings::tests::overwrite_shell ... ok test shebang::tests::powershell_script_filename ... ok test settings::tests::default_shell ... ok test shebang::tests::pwsh_exe_script_filename ... ok test shebang::tests::pwsh_script_filename ... ok test settings::tests::shell_cooked ... ok test settings::tests::shell_present_but_not_shell_args ... ok test shebang::tests::split_shebang ... ok test settings::tests::overwrite_shell_powershell ... ok test unindent::tests::blanks ... ok test settings::tests::shell_args_present_but_not_shell ... ok test unindent::tests::commons ... ok test unindent::tests::indentations ... ok test subcommand::tests::init_justfile ... ok test unindent::tests::unindents ... ok test search::tests::not_found ... ok test result: ok. 458 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.12s Running unittests src/main.rs (target/debug/deps/just-25546e65d017d921) running 0 tests test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s Running tests/lib.rs (target/debug/deps/integration-f486d35c7eb73b8f) running 529 tests test attributes::duplicate_attributes_are_disallowed ... ok test byte_order_mark::non_leading_byte_order_mark_produces_error ... ok test choose::no_choosable_recipes ... ok test command::no_binary ... ok test attributes::all ... ok test command::working_directory_is_correct ... ok test completions::output ... ok test command::command_not_found ... ok test byte_order_mark::dont_mention_byte_order_mark_in_errors ... ok test conditional::incorrect_else_identifier ... ok test conditional::undefined_lhs ... ok test conditional::undefined_rhs ... ok test conditional::unexpected_op ... ok test conditional::undefined_then ... ok test command::exports_are_available ... ok test byte_order_mark::ignore_leading_byte_order_mark ... ok test command::run_in_shell ... ok test choose::chooser ... ok test delimiters::mismatched_delimiter ... ok test delimiters::no_interpolation_continuation ... ok test delimiters::unexpected_delimiter ... ok test allow_duplicate_recipes::allow_duplicate_recipes_with_args ... ok test allow_duplicate_recipes::allow_duplicate_recipes ... ok test dotenv::dotenv ... ok test command::short ... ok test conditional::otherwise_branch_unevaluated ... ok test dotenv::path_not_found ... ok test conditional::complex_expressions ... ok test choose::override_variable ... ok test delimiters::brace_continuation ... ok test conditional::then_branch_unevaluated_inverted ... ok test choose::skip_private_recipes ... ok test edit::editor_working_directory ... ok test delimiters::paren_continuation ... ok test delimiters::bracket_continuation ... ok test dotenv::filename_resolves ... ok test delimiters::dependency_continuation ... ok test choose::env ... ok test edit::invalid_justfile ... ok test dotenv::filename_flag_overwrites_no_load ... ok test edit::invoke_error ... ok test dotenv::no_warning ... ok test error_messages::argument_count_mismatch ... ok test error_messages::expected_keyword ... ok test error_messages::unexpected_character ... ok test dotenv::set_implicit ... ok test dotenv::path_resolves ... ok test evaluate::evaluate_multiple ... ok test dotenv::set_true ... ok test dotenv::path_flag_overwrites_no_load ... ok test evaluate::evaluate_no_suggestion ... ok test dotenv::set_false ... ok test evaluate::evaluate_suggestion ... ok test equals::alias_recipe ... ok test equals::export_recipe ... ok test evaluate::evaluate_single_free ... ok test edit::status_error ... ok test evaluate::evaluate_empty ... ok test evaluate::evaluate ... ok test fall_back_to_parent::doesnt_work_with_justfile ... ok test fall_back_to_parent::requires_setting ... ignored test export::override_variable ... ok test conditional::missing_else ... ok test conditional::undefined_otherwise ... ok test fall_back_to_parent::doesnt_work_with_justfile_and_working_directory ... ok test export::setting_shebang ... ok test export::setting_false ... ok test export::parameter_not_visible_to_backtick ... ok test export::recipe_backtick ... ok test fall_back_to_parent::print_error_from_parent_if_recipe_not_found_in_current ... ok test export::parameter ... ok test command::exit_status ... ok test export::shebang ... ok test command::long ... ok test command::env_is_loaded ... ok test choose::invoke_error_function ... ok test fall_back_to_parent::requires_unstable ... ok test export::setting_implicit ... ok test export::setting_variable_not_visible ... ok test changelog::print_changelog ... ok test fall_back_to_parent::stop_fallback_when_fallback_is_false ... ok test export::setting_override_undefined ... ok test export::success ... ok test export::setting_true ... ok test conditional::dump ... ok test command::set_overrides_work ... ok test conditional::otherwise_branch_unevaluated_inverted ... ok test conditional::if_else ... ok test fall_back_to_parent::multiple_levels_of_fallback_work ... ok test conditional::then_branch_unevaluated ... ok test choose::skip_recipes_that_require_arguments ... ok test fmt::alias_fix_indent ... ok test fmt::check_found_diff ... ok test fall_back_to_parent::runs_recipe_in_parent_if_not_found_in_current ... ok test fmt::assignment_backtick ... ok test fmt::check_diff_color ... ok test choose::status_error ... ok test fmt::assignment_export ... ok test fmt::alias_good ... ok test fmt::assignment_doublequote ... ok test fall_back_to_parent::setting_accepts_value ... ok test fmt::assignment_concat_values ... ok test fmt::assignment_binary_function ... ok test fall_back_to_parent::works_with_provided_search_directory ... ok test fmt::assignment_if_oneline ... ok test fmt::assignment_indented_doublequote ... ok test fmt::assignment_if_multiline ... ok test fmt::assignment_indented_backtick ... ok test fmt::assignment_indented_singlequote ... ok test fmt::assignment_nullary_function ... ok test fmt::assignment_name ... ok test fmt::assignment_parenthized_expression ... ok test fmt::assignment_singlequote ... ok test fmt::check_without_fmt ... ok test fmt::assignment_unary_function ... ok test fmt::assignment_path_functions ... ok test fmt::comment ... ok test fmt::check_ok ... ok test fmt::comment_before_docstring_recipe ... ok test fmt::comment_before_recipe ... ok test fmt::comment_leading ... ok test fmt::comment_multiline ... ok test fmt::comment_trailing ... ok test fmt::group_sets ... ok test fmt::recipe_body_is_comment ... ok test fmt::group_assignments ... ok test fmt::no_trailing_newline ... ok test fmt::group_recipes ... ok test fmt::group_comments ... ok test fmt::group_aliases ... ok test fmt::recipe_assignment_in_body ... ok test fmt::recipe_dependency ... ok test fmt::recipe_dependencies ... ok test fmt::recipe_dependency_param ... ok test fmt::recipe_ordinary ... ok test fmt::recipe_dependencies_params ... ok test fmt::recipe_parameter_conditional ... ok test fmt::recipe_parameter ... ok test fmt::recipe_parameter_concat ... ok test fmt::recipe_escaped_braces ... ok test fmt::recipe_ignore_errors ... ok test fmt::recipe_parameter_default ... ok test fmt::recipe_dependency_params ... ok test fmt::recipe_parameter_default_envar ... ok test fmt::recipe_parameter_envar ... ok test fmt::recipe_parameter_in_body ... ok test fmt::unstable_not_passed ... ok test fmt::unstable_passed ... ok test functions::broken_directory_function ... ok test fmt::recipe_parameters_envar ... ok test functions::broken_directory_function2 ... ok test functions::broken_extension_function ... ok test functions::broken_extension_function2 ... ok test fmt::recipe_parameters ... ok test functions::broken_file_name_function ... ok test fmt::recipe_positional_variadic ... ok test functions::broken_file_stem_function ... ok test fmt::recipe_quiet_comment ... ok test fmt::recipe_quiet ... ok test fmt::recipe_quiet_command ... ok test fmt::recipe_several_commands ... ok test functions::broken_without_extension_function ... ok test fmt::recipe_variadic_default ... ok test fmt::recipe_variadic_plus ... ok test fmt::recipe_with_docstring ... ok test fmt::set_false ... ok test fmt::recipe_variadic_star ... ok test functions::env_var_failure ... ok test functions::join_argument_count_error ... ok test fmt::recipe_with_comments_in_body ... ok test fmt::set_true_explicit ... ok test fmt::set_shell ... ok test fmt::separate_recipes_aliases ... ok test functions::error_errors_with_message ... ok test fmt::set_true_implicit ... ok test examples::examples ... ok test fmt::subsequent ... ok test fmt::write_error ... ok test functions::clean ... ok test functions::capitalize ... ok test functions::lowercamelcase ... ok test fall_back_to_parent::prints_correct_error_message_when_recipe_not_found ... ok test functions::path_exists_subdir ... ok test functions::kebabcase ... ok test functions::sha256_file ... ok test functions::lowercase ... ok test functions::test_absolute_path_resolves ... ok test functions::sha256 ... ok test functions::replace ... ok test functions::shoutysnakecase ... ok test functions::snakecase ... ok test functions::test_absolute_path_resolves_parent ... ok test functions::test_path_exists_filepath_exist ... ok test functions::test_path_exists_filepath_doesnt_exist ... ok test functions::trim_end ... ok test functions::shoutykebabcase ... ok test functions::test_just_executable_function ... ok test functions::trim_start ... ok test interrupts::interrupt_backtick ... ignored test interrupts::interrupt_command ... ignored test interrupts::interrupt_line ... ignored test interrupts::interrupt_shebang ... ignored test functions::test_os_arch_functions_in_interpolation ... ok test functions::test_os_arch_functions_in_default ... ok test functions::titlecase ... ok test functions::trim ... ok test functions::test_os_arch_functions_in_expression ... ok test init::alternate_marker ... ok test init::justfile ... ok test functions::path_functions2 ... ok test init::justfile_and_working_directory ... ok test functions::path_functions ... ok test init::parent_dir ... ok test init::search_directory ... ok test functions::uppercamelcase ... ok test invocation_directory::test_invocation_directory ... ok test ignore_comments::dont_evalute_comments ... ok test ignore_comments::continuations_iwth_echo_comments_false ... ok test functions::uppercase ... ok test ignore_comments::ignore_comments_in_recipe ... ok test json::requires_unstable ... ok test ignore_comments::continuations_with_echo_comments_true ... ok test ignore_comments::dont_ignore_comments_in_recipe_by_default ... ok test functions::trim_end_match ... ok test ignore_comments::ignore_recipe_comments_with_shell_setting ... ok test functions::trim_start_match ... ok test json::assignment ... ok test json::alias ... ok test json::attribute ... ok test init::invocation_directory ... ok test json::dependencies ... ok test json::empty_justfile ... ok test json::doc_comment ... ok test json::body ... ok test functions::uuid ... ok test json::duplicate_recipes ... ok test json::private ... ok test json::quiet ... ok test json::priors ... ok test misc::alias_shadows_recipe ... ok test json::simple ... ok test json::shebang ... ok test misc::argument_mismatch_fewer ... ok test json::settings ... ok test misc::argument_mismatch_fewer_with_default ... ok test misc::argument_mismatch_more_with_default ... ok test json::parameters ... ok test misc::argument_mismatch_more ... ok test json::dependency_argument ... ok test misc::alias_listing ... ok test line_prefixes::infallible_after_quiet ... ok test line_prefixes::quiet_after_infallible ... ok test misc::assignment_backtick_failure ... ok test misc::alias_listing_multiple_aliases ... ok test misc::alias ... ok test functions::trim_end_matches ... ok test misc::backtick_code_assignment ... ok test misc::backtick_code_interpolation_inner_tab ... ok test misc::alias_listing_parameters ... ok test misc::backtick_code_interpolation_mod ... ok test misc::backtick_code_interpolation_leading_emoji ... ok test misc::alias_listing_private ... ok test misc::backtick_code_interpolation ... ok test misc::backtick_code_interpolation_tab ... ok test misc::alias_with_dependencies ... ok test misc::backtick_code_interpolation_tabs ... ok test misc::backtick_code_interpolation_unicode_hell ... ok test misc::alias_with_parameters ... ok test misc::bad_setting ... ok test misc::backtick_code_long ... ok test functions::trim_start_matches ... ok test functions::join ... ok test misc::argument_single ... ok test misc::color_always ... ok test misc::argument_multiple ... ok test misc::colors_no_context ... ok test misc::color_never ... ok test misc::color_auto ... ok test misc::command_backtick_failure ... ok test misc::argument_grouping ... ok test misc::dependency_takes_arguments_at_least ... ok test misc::backtick_default_cat_justfile ... ok test misc::dependency_takes_arguments_exact ... ok test misc::backtick_default_cat_stdin ... ok test misc::dependency_takes_arguments_at_most ... ok test misc::backtick_variable_read_single ... ok test misc::backtick_variable_cat ... ok test misc::backtick_success ... ok test misc::brace_escape_extra ... ok test misc::brace_escape ... ok test misc::complex_dependencies ... ok test misc::backtick_trimming ... ok test misc::comment_before_variable ... ok test misc::backtick_default_read_multiple ... ok test misc::default ... ok test misc::default_variable ... ok test misc::default_string ... ok test misc::duplicate_alias ... ok test misc::default_concatenation ... ok test misc::default_backtick ... ok test misc::dependency_argument_assignment ... ok test misc::duplicate_recipe ... ok test misc::extra_leading_whitespace ... ok test misc::duplicate_parameter ... ok test misc::duplicate_variable ... ok test misc::dependency_argument_plus_variadic ... ok test misc::dependency_argument_string ... ok test misc::dependency_argument_function ... ok test misc::inconsistent_leading_whitespace ... ok test misc::backtick_variable_read_multiple ... ok test misc::dependency_argument_backtick ... ok test misc::invalid_escape_sequence_message ... ok test misc::dotenv_env_var_override ... ok test misc::interpolation_evaluation_ignore_quiet_continuation ... ok test misc::dependency_argument_parameter ... ok test misc::interpolation_evaluation_ignore_quiet ... ok test misc::infallible_with_failing ... ok test misc::line_error_spacing ... ok test misc::dump ... ok test misc::mixed_whitespace ... ok test misc::dotenv_variable_in_recipe ... ok test misc::missing_second_dependency ... ok test misc::dotenv_variable_in_backtick ... ok test misc::long_circular_recipe_dependency ... ok test misc::duplicate_dependency_no_args ... ok test misc::old_equals_assignment_syntax_produces_error ... ok test misc::dry_run ... ok test misc::dotenv_variable_in_function_in_recipe ... ok test misc::duplicate_dependency_argument ... ok test misc::infallible_command ... ok test misc::dotenv_variable_in_function_in_backtick ... ok test misc::plus_then_star_variadic ... ok test misc::parameter_shadows_variable ... ok test misc::parameter_cross_reference_error ... ok test misc::line_continuation_with_quoted_space ... ok test misc::list_empty_prefix_and_heading ... ok test misc::plus_variadic_too_few ... ok test misc::line_continuation_no_space ... ok test misc::line_continuation_with_space ... ok test misc::list_prefix ... ok test misc::list_heading ... ok test misc::list_sorted ... ok test misc::required_after_default ... ok test misc::list_unsorted ... ok test misc::list_colors ... ok test misc::list_alignment ... ok test misc::list ... ok test misc::required_after_plus_variadic ... ok test misc::no_highlight ... ok test misc::list_alignment_long ... ok test misc::no_dotenv ... ok test misc::required_after_star_variadic ... ok test misc::multi_line_string_in_interpolation ... ok test misc::self_dependency ... ok test misc::run_suggestion ... ok test misc::star_then_plus_variadic ... ok test misc::shebang_backtick_failure ... ok test misc::status_passthrough ... ok test misc::unknown_alias_target ... ok test misc::plus_variadic_ignore_default ... ok test misc::unexpected_token_after_name ... ok test misc::unexpected_token_in_dependency_position ... ok test misc::overrides_first ... ok test misc::plus_variadic_use_default ... ok test misc::plus_variadic_recipe ... ok test misc::unknown_dependency ... ok test misc::overrides_not_evaluated ... ok test misc::quiet ... ok test misc::quiet_shebang_recipe ... ok test misc::unknown_function_in_assignment ... ok test misc::print ... ok test misc::run_colors ... ok test misc::unknown_function_in_default ... ok test misc::unknown_recipe ... ok test misc::unknown_override_arg ... ok test misc::unknown_recipes ... ok test misc::unknown_variable_in_default ... ok test misc::unterminated_interpolation_eof ... ok test misc::quiet_recipe ... ok test misc::unknown_override_args ... ok test misc::unknown_start_of_token ... ok test misc::shebang_line_numbers ... ok test misc::unknown_override_options ... ok test misc::star_variadic_none ... ok test misc::summary_unsorted ... ok test misc::star_variadic_use_default ... ok test misc::unterminated_interpolation_eol ... ok test misc::star_variadic_recipe ... ok test misc::summary_sorted ... ok test misc::star_variadic_ignore_default ... ok test misc::select ... ok test misc::supply_use_default ... ok test misc::supply_defaults ... ok test misc::variable_circular_dependency ... ok test misc::variable_circular_dependency_with_additional_variable ... ok test misc::summary ... ok test misc::variable_self_dependency ... ok test misc::trailing_flags ... ok test no_exit_message::empty_attribute ... ok test no_exit_message::unattached_attribute_before_comment ... ok test no_exit_message::unknown_attribute ... ok test no_exit_message::unattached_attribute_before_empty_line ... ok test no_exit_message::shebang_exit_message_suppressed ... ok test no_exit_message::recipe_exit_message_suppressed ... ok test no_exit_message::silent_recipe_exit_message_suppressed ... ok test quiet::choose_invocation ... ok test quiet::choose_none ... ok test misc::order ... ok test misc::variables ... ok test multibyte_char::bugfix ... ok test no_exit_message::recipe_has_doc_comment ... ok test quiet::choose_status ... ok test misc::use_raw_string_default ... ok test quiet::edit_invocation ... ok test quiet::edit_status ... ok test quiet::assignment_backtick_stderr ... ok test misc::verbose ... ok test quiet::error_messages ... ok test misc::use_string_default ... ok test parser::dont_run_duplicate_recipes ... ok test os_attributes::none ... ok test quiet::show_missing ... ok test quiet::interpolation_backtick_stderr ... ok test os_attributes::os_family ... ok test os_attributes::all ... ok test positional_arguments::default_arguments ... ok test positional_arguments::shebang ... ok test os_attributes::os ... ok test positional_arguments::empty_variadic_is_undefined ... ok test positional_arguments::variadic_shebang ... ok test quiet::command_echoing ... ok test shell::cmd ... ignored test positional_arguments::variadic_linewise ... ok test shell::powershell ... ignored test regexes::bad_regex_fails_at_runtime ... ok test positional_arguments::variadic_arguments_are_separate ... ok test search::single_downards ... ok test quiet::summary_none ... ok test search::single_upwards ... ok test quiet::no_stdout ... ok test search::test_capitalized_justfile_search ... ok test search::test_justfile_search ... ok test quote::quotes_are_escaped ... ok test quote::single_quotes_are_prepended_and_appended ... ok test recursion_limit::bugfix ... ok test quiet::quiet_shebang ... ok test positional_arguments::linewise ... ok test quiet::stderr ... ok test show::alias_show_missing_target ... ok test show::show_alias_suggestion ... ok test run::dont_run_duplicate_recipes ... ok test search::test_upwards_path_argument ... ok test slash_operator::default_un_parenthesized ... ok test show::show_no_suggestion ... ok test show::show_suggestion ... ok test show::show_no_alias_suggestion ... ok test quote::quoted_strings_can_be_used_as_arguments ... ok test search::dot_justfile_conflicts_with_justfile ... ok test regexes::match_succeeds_evaluates_to_first_branch ... ok test regexes::match_fails_evaluates_to_second_branch ... ok test search::test_upwards_multiple_path_argument ... ok test search::find_dot_justfile ... ok test shell::shell_arg_override ... ok test slash_operator::no_lhs_un_parenthesized ... ok test slash_operator::no_rhs_once ... ok test shell::flag ... ok test shell::shell_args ... ok test string::error_column_after_multiline_raw_string ... ok test string::error_line_after_multiline_raw_string ... ok test show::alias_show ... ok test shell::set_shell ... ok test string::error_line_after_multiline_raw_string_in_interpolation ... ok test shell::shell_override ... ok test slash_operator::no_lhs_once ... ok test show::show ... ok test slash_operator::default_parenthesized ... ok test string::invalid_escape_sequence ... ok test init::current_dir ... ok test slash_operator::no_lhs_parenthesized ... ok test string::shebang_backtick ... ok test string::unterminated_indented_backtick ... ok test string::unterminated_indented_string ... ok test string::unterminated_indented_raw_string ... ok test slash_operator::once ... ok test string::unterminated_backtick ... ok test string::unterminated_raw_string ... ok test slash_operator::twice ... ok test string::unterminated_string ... ok test sublime_syntax::parse ... ok test subsequents::circular_dependency ... ok test string::cooked_string_suppress_newline ... ok test string::indented_cooked_string_contents_indentation_removed ... ok test search::test_downwards_multiple_path_argument ... ok test search::test_downwards_path_argument ... ok test string::indented_backtick_string_contents_indentation_removed ... ok test subsequents::unknown ... ok test string::indented_cooked_string_escapes ... ok test string::indented_backtick_string_escapes ... ok test subsequents::unknown_argument ... ok test string::indented_raw_string_contents_indentation_removed ... ok test undefined_variables::parameter_default_unknown_variable_in_expression ... ok test undefined_variables::unknown_first_variable_in_binary_call ... ok test string::indented_raw_string_escapes ... ok test string::multiline_cooked_string ... ok test undefined_variables::unknown_variable_in_ternary_call ... ok test undefined_variables::unknown_second_variable_in_binary_call ... ok test undefined_variables::unknown_variable_in_unary_call ... ok test string::multiline_raw_string ... ok test subsequents::failure ... ok test string::raw_string ... ok test string::multiline_raw_string_in_interpolation ... ok test string::multiline_backtick ... ok test slash_operator::no_lhs_twice ... ok test subsequents::argument ... ok test init::write_error ... ok test subsequents::success ... ok test tempdir::test_tempdir_is_set ... ok test working_directory::justfile_without_working_directory ... ok test subsequents::subsequents_run_even_if_already_ran_as_prior ... ok test working_directory::change_working_directory_to_search_justfile_parent ... ok test working_directory::search_dir_child ... ok test working_directory::justfile_without_working_directory_relative ... ok test working_directory::search_dir_parent ... ok test working_directory::justfile_and_working_directory ... ok test subsequents::duplicate_subsequents_dont_run ... ok test init::fmt_compatibility ... ok test quiet::init_exists ... ok test init::exists ... ok test readme::readme ... ok test result: ok. 522 passed; 0 failed; 7 ignored; 0 measured; 4 filtered out; finished in 0.89s Doc-tests just running 0 tests test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s >>> just: Entering fakeroot... Installing just v1.8.0 (/home/buildozer/aports/community/just/src/just-1.8.0) Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.23s Installing /home/buildozer/aports/community/just/pkg/just/usr/bin/just Installed package `just v1.8.0 (/home/buildozer/aports/community/just/src/just-1.8.0)` (executable `just`) warning: be sure to add `/home/buildozer/aports/community/just/pkg/just/usr/bin` to your PATH to be able to run the installed binaries >>> just-bash-completion*: Running split function bashcomp... '/home/buildozer/aports/community/just/pkg/just/usr/share/bash-completion/completions' -> '/home/buildozer/aports/community/just/pkg/just-bash-completion/usr/share/bash-completion/completions' >>> just-bash-completion*: Preparing subpackage just-bash-completion... >>> just-bash-completion*: Running postcheck for just-bash-completion >>> just-fish-completion*: Running split function fishcomp... '/home/buildozer/aports/community/just/pkg/just/usr/share/fish/completions' -> '/home/buildozer/aports/community/just/pkg/just-fish-completion/usr/share/fish/completions' >>> just-fish-completion*: Preparing subpackage just-fish-completion... >>> just-fish-completion*: Running postcheck for just-fish-completion >>> just-zsh-completion*: Running split function zshcomp... '/home/buildozer/aports/community/just/pkg/just/usr/share/zsh/site-functions' -> '/home/buildozer/aports/community/just/pkg/just-zsh-completion/usr/share/zsh/site-functions' >>> just-zsh-completion*: Preparing subpackage just-zsh-completion... >>> just-zsh-completion*: Running postcheck for just-zsh-completion >>> just*: Running postcheck for just >>> just*: Preparing package just... >>> just*: Stripping binaries >>> just-bash-completion*: Scanning shared objects >>> just-fish-completion*: Scanning shared objects >>> just-zsh-completion*: Scanning shared objects >>> just*: Scanning shared objects >>> just-bash-completion*: Tracing dependencies... >>> just-bash-completion*: Package size: 28.0 KB >>> just-bash-completion*: Compressing data... >>> just-bash-completion*: Create checksum... >>> just-bash-completion*: Create just-bash-completion-1.8.0-r0.apk >>> just-fish-completion*: Tracing dependencies... >>> just-fish-completion*: Package size: 28.0 KB >>> just-fish-completion*: Compressing data... >>> just-fish-completion*: Create checksum... >>> just-fish-completion*: Create just-fish-completion-1.8.0-r0.apk >>> just-zsh-completion*: Tracing dependencies... >>> just-zsh-completion*: Package size: 28.0 KB >>> just-zsh-completion*: Compressing data... >>> just-zsh-completion*: Create checksum... >>> just-zsh-completion*: Create just-zsh-completion-1.8.0-r0.apk >>> just*: Tracing dependencies... so:libc.musl-x86.so.1 so:libgcc_s.so.1 >>> just*: Package size: 1.6 MB >>> just*: Compressing data... >>> just*: Create checksum... >>> just*: Create just-1.8.0-r0.apk >>> just: Build complete at Fri, 18 Nov 2022 02:41:50 +0000 elapsed time 0h 2m 43s >>> just: Cleaning up srcdir >>> just: Cleaning up pkgdir >>> just: Uninstalling dependencies... (1/12) Purging fzf-bash-plugin (0.35.0-r0) (2/12) Purging .makedepends-just (20221118.023908) (3/12) Purging cargo (1.64.0-r2) (4/12) Purging rust (1.64.0-r2) (5/12) Purging rust-stdlib (1.64.0-r2) (6/12) Purging bash (5.2.9-r0) Executing bash-5.2.9-r0.pre-deinstall (7/12) Purging fzf (0.35.0-r0) (8/12) Purging llvm15-libs (15.0.5-r0) (9/12) Purging libffi (3.4.4-r0) (10/12) Purging libxml2 (2.10.3-r1) (11/12) Purging xz-libs (5.2.8-r0) (12/12) Purging readline (8.2.0-r0) Executing busybox-1.35.0-r28.trigger OK: 258 MiB in 91 packages >>> just: Updating the community/x86 repository index... >>> just: Signing the index...