>>> rust-bindgen: Building main/rust-bindgen 0.66.1-r0 (using abuild 3.12.0-r0) started Sat, 21 Oct 2023 16:48:04 +0000 >>> rust-bindgen: Checking sanity of /home/buildozer/aports/main/rust-bindgen/APKBUILD... >>> rust-bindgen: Analyzing dependencies... >>> rust-bindgen: Installing for build: build-base cargo clang cargo-auditable (1/13) Installing libffi (3.4.4-r3) (2/13) Installing xz-libs (5.4.4-r0) (3/13) Installing libxml2 (2.11.5-r0) (4/13) Installing llvm16-libs (16.0.6-r6) (5/13) Installing scudo-malloc (16.0.6-r3) (6/13) Installing rust (1.72.1-r0) (7/13) Installing cargo (1.72.1-r0) (8/13) Installing clang16-headers (16.0.6-r4) (9/13) Installing clang16-libs (16.0.6-r4) (10/13) Installing llvm16-linker-tools (16.0.6-r6) (11/13) Installing clang16 (16.0.6-r4) (12/13) Installing cargo-auditable (0.6.1-r3) (13/13) Installing .makedepends-rust-bindgen (20231021.164805) Executing busybox-1.36.1-r13.trigger OK: 1274 MiB in 118 packages >>> rust-bindgen: Cleaning up srcdir >>> rust-bindgen: Cleaning up pkgdir >>> rust-bindgen: Cleaning up tmpdir >>> rust-bindgen: Fetching rust-bindgen-0.66.1.tar.gz::https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-bindgen/archive/v0.66.1.tar.gz % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 2255k 0 2255k 0 0 3330k 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 3330k >>> rust-bindgen: Fetching rust-bindgen-0.66.1.tar.gz::https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-bindgen/archive/v0.66.1.tar.gz >>> rust-bindgen: Checking sha512sums... rust-bindgen-0.66.1.tar.gz: OK >>> rust-bindgen: Unpacking /var/cache/distfiles/rust-bindgen-0.66.1.tar.gz... Updating crates.io index Downloading crates ... Downloaded block v0.1.6 Downloaded tempfile v3.4.0 Downloaded io-lifetimes v1.0.4 Downloaded termcolor v1.2.0 Downloaded strsim v0.10.0 Downloaded is-terminal v0.4.2 Downloaded shlex v1.1.0 Downloaded quickcheck v1.0.3 Downloaded os_str_bytes v6.4.1 Downloaded env_logger v0.10.0 Downloaded cc v1.0.78 Downloaded malloc_buf v0.0.6 Downloaded bitflags v2.2.1 Downloaded lazycell v1.3.0 Downloaded clap_lex v0.3.1 Downloaded cexpr v0.6.0 Downloaded unicode-ident v1.0.6 Downloaded rustc-hash v1.1.0 Downloaded either v1.8.1 Downloaded glob v0.3.1 Downloaded libloading v0.7.4 Downloaded unicode-width v0.1.10 Downloaded quote v1.0.26 Downloaded minimal-lexical v0.2.1 Downloaded nom v7.1.3 Downloaded aho-corasick v0.7.20 Downloaded rand v0.8.5 Downloaded clap v4.1.4 Downloaded rustix v0.36.7 Downloaded libc v0.2.139 Downloaded linux-raw-sys v0.1.4 Downloaded regex v1.7.1 Downloaded syn v1.0.107 Downloaded proc-macro2 v1.0.52 Downloaded prettyplease v0.2.0 Downloaded clap_complete v4.2.0 Downloaded regex-syntax v0.6.28 Downloaded clang-sys v1.4.0 Downloaded lazy_static v1.4.0 Downloaded env_logger v0.8.4 Downloaded rand_core v0.6.4 Downloaded which v4.4.0 Downloaded clap_derive v4.1.0 Downloaded yansi-term v0.1.2 Downloaded getrandom v0.2.8 Downloaded heck v0.4.0 Downloaded objc v0.2.7 Downloaded bitflags v1.3.2 Downloaded humantime v2.1.0 Downloaded annotate-snippets v0.9.1 Downloaded diff v0.1.13 Downloaded proc-macro-error-attr v1.0.4 Downloaded peeking_take_while v0.1.2 Downloaded fastrand v1.8.0 Downloaded log v0.4.17 Downloaded once_cell v1.17.0 Downloaded syn v2.0.7 Downloaded proc-macro-error v1.0.4 Compiling proc-macro2 v1.0.52 Compiling quote v1.0.26 Compiling libc v0.2.139 Compiling version_check v0.9.4 Compiling memchr v2.5.0 Compiling unicode-ident v1.0.6 Compiling io-lifetimes v1.0.4 Compiling syn v1.0.107 Compiling rustix v0.36.7 Compiling glob v0.3.1 Compiling cfg-if v1.0.0 Compiling linux-raw-sys v0.1.4 Compiling bitflags v1.3.2 Compiling log v0.4.17 Compiling prettyplease v0.2.0 Compiling heck v0.4.0 Compiling termcolor v1.2.0 Compiling os_str_bytes v6.4.1 Compiling regex-syntax v0.6.28 Compiling minimal-lexical v0.2.1 Compiling strsim v0.10.0 Compiling either v1.8.1 Compiling unicode-width v0.1.10 Compiling yansi-term v0.1.2 Compiling once_cell v1.17.0 Compiling bindgen v0.66.1 (/home/buildozer/aports/main/rust-bindgen/src/rust-bindgen-0.66.1/bindgen) Compiling shlex v1.1.0 Compiling lazycell v1.3.0 Compiling lazy_static v1.4.0 Compiling bitflags v2.2.1 Compiling humantime v2.1.0 Compiling rustc-hash v1.1.0 Compiling bindgen-tests v0.1.0 (/home/buildozer/aports/main/rust-bindgen/src/rust-bindgen-0.66.1/bindgen-tests) Compiling peeking_take_while v0.1.2 Compiling libloading v0.7.4 Compiling annotate-snippets v0.9.1 Compiling proc-macro-error-attr v1.0.4 Compiling proc-macro-error v1.0.4 Compiling clap_lex v0.3.1 Compiling clang-sys v1.4.0 Compiling aho-corasick v0.7.20 Compiling nom v7.1.3 Compiling syn v2.0.7 Compiling which v4.4.0 Compiling regex v1.7.1 Compiling cexpr v0.6.0 Compiling is-terminal v0.4.2 Compiling env_logger v0.10.0 Compiling clap_derive v4.1.0 Compiling clap v4.1.4 Compiling clap_complete v4.2.0 Compiling bindgen-cli v0.66.1 (/home/buildozer/aports/main/rust-bindgen/src/rust-bindgen-0.66.1/bindgen-cli) Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 1m 13s >>> rust-bindgen: Entering fakeroot... >>> rust-bindgen*: Running postcheck for rust-bindgen >>> rust-bindgen*: Preparing package rust-bindgen... >>> rust-bindgen*: Stripping binaries >>> rust-bindgen*: Scanning shared objects >>> rust-bindgen*: Tracing dependencies... so:libc.musl-aarch64.so.1 so:libgcc_s.so.1 >>> rust-bindgen*: Package size: 2.8 MB >>> rust-bindgen*: Compressing data... >>> rust-bindgen*: Create checksum... >>> rust-bindgen*: Create rust-bindgen-0.66.1-r0.apk >>> rust-bindgen: Build complete at Sat, 21 Oct 2023 16:49:24 +0000 elapsed time 0h 1m 20s >>> rust-bindgen: Cleaning up srcdir >>> rust-bindgen: Cleaning up pkgdir >>> rust-bindgen: Uninstalling dependencies... (1/13) Purging .makedepends-rust-bindgen (20231021.164805) (2/13) Purging cargo (1.72.1-r0) (3/13) Purging rust (1.72.1-r0) (4/13) Purging cargo-auditable (0.6.1-r3) (5/13) Purging clang16 (16.0.6-r4) (6/13) Purging llvm16-linker-tools (16.0.6-r6) (7/13) Purging clang16-headers (16.0.6-r4) (8/13) Purging clang16-libs (16.0.6-r4) (9/13) Purging llvm16-libs (16.0.6-r6) (10/13) Purging scudo-malloc (16.0.6-r3) (11/13) Purging libffi (3.4.4-r3) (12/13) Purging libxml2 (2.11.5-r0) (13/13) Purging xz-libs (5.4.4-r0) Executing busybox-1.36.1-r13.trigger OK: 473 MiB in 105 packages >>> rust-bindgen: Updating the main/aarch64 repository index... >>> rust-bindgen: Signing the index...